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Douglass High School celebrates the class of 2020

Use past tense.

You should arrive at the event early. In this way, you can talk with as many people as you can. When an event ends, people are in a hurry to go back home and not willing to answer your questions.

Choose a right time to ask questions. A silent moment before the ceremony begins is an appropriate time to listen people sharing their impressive story. For instance, in this story , I successfully interviewed a pastor and listened to him telling the story about how a great mother inspired her kids through her hard work.

Pay attention to the number of the seat. But you should always pay attention to the actual number of participants. Find a copy of speech draft and booklet that lists the names of participants so that you can do the accuracy check more conveniently.

For an event, a notebook can work better than your recordings. You need to improve your listening skills and concentrate when people are telling stories.

Be patient when you do the accuracy check. Give a pause and double check with the quotes and every statistics in the story. For instance, I made a mistake in this story at first. I just counted the number of the seats but did not notice that no every seat was occupied. So I had the wrong number of participants in my story at first. Fortunately, we correct the number at last.



Writing the brief

1.Boone County Art Show canceled Article's link:


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